Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

I thought it would be fun to have Jesse pop on the camera and film my quick ab workout for you. And have you join me and follow along real time!

It’s all bodyweight moves so you can literally do this anywhere. Don’t worry… I show you how to scale it back if needed, so EVERYONE will be able to do this with me!

As a bonus…

You’ll get to see me suffer through the pain with you.  Trust me, you’re not alone on this one! And of course… Jesse is here to taunt me along the way! Let’s do this!!


P.S.  This ab workout shuffler actually comes with all of our programs in case you want to keep churning out new workouts for your abs.  Just pick the program best suited to your goals here…

Get your A-X program here and have the 6 Pack Shuffle included for free

P.P.S.  This is by no means an easy ab workout.  It’s challenging, as it should be.  That said, why not challenge a friend to try it with you.  See who can last to the end!

Challenge your friends with this 7 minute ab torture test (I mean workout!)