Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

The question is a simple one…”How STRONG are you?” But the answer is much more complex. Why? Because there are two types of strength in my book…RAW STRENGTH and “ATHLETIC STRENGTH!”

One without the other will seriously compromise what you ultimately can accomplish with your body and how it looks. That said, I figured I would show you how I like to test for “ATHLETIC STRENGTH” with just one total body exercise.

Totalbody exercise athletic strengthYou see “athletic strength” is about much more than moving a weight up and down a certain number of times…In fact it’s the main principle of ATHLEAN-X and why guys that train with ATHLEAN-X look much better than guys that DON’T.

When others say it’s impossible to get ripped AT THE SAME TIME that you build NEW muscle it’s because they aren’t teaching their guys to integrate muscles together in the way they prefer to fire…and therefore sacrifice one for the other.

With A-X though…”athletic strength” is a concept that is etched into EVERY exercise of the program! I created a program that consists of nothing but exercises that not only allows you to move enough weight to build muscle but also forces you integrate many muscles at once in all planes of movement at once…so that more fibers are forced to fire together to get the job done.

The result? Muscle growth that is functional AND explosive on demand. That’s “Athletic Muscle”…and this is what ATHLEAN-X is all about! Take the test in this week’s video and then put your body to the complete 90 day test that is ATHLEAN-X and watch as you redefine what your true athletic body should look like.

MY BIG QUESTION TO YOU =================

Are you going to be the type that waits until the New Year to get started on improving your health and body (only to find yourself 5-10lbs heavier on January 1 than you are now!!) or are you going to get a head start so you can hit the ground running in 2012?

Your Answer:

a.) I’ll get fatter (Close This Window.)

b.) I’ll watch the video and then get fatter (Watch Video Only)

c.) I’m starting my “Athletic Muscle” ReconstruXion NOW!

No need to study for this one! Just ask yourself what you really want.

