Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Did you know? 1 out of 4 men will incur a hernia in their lifetime! Wow, that’s a lot! The number is even higher in those that lift weights.

There is one exercise that causes hernias more than any other. Can you guess what it is? Here’s a hint: it’s NOT the deadlift. In fact, it’s not even an exercise that requires you to lift very heavy weight on.

I think this video is going to be a real eye opener for a lot of guys. In fact, even if you’re a woman reading this you will likely be able to help out someone you know by sharing this with them!


P.S.  I’m speaking from experience on this one. Not to mention, the number of people that I’ve treated as a result of imbalances that come from this type of hernia is too high to count.  Here it is and how to fix it…

Click here to see which exercise is the main culprit for hernias

P.P.S.  If you are looking to build ripped athletic muscle without compromising the health of your muscles and joints along the way, that is where I specialize.  As a trainer for pro athletes I need to maximize gains and minimize pains.  I can do the same for you…

Max out your gains without the pains with this program