Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Everybody that works out trains their chest and abs. BUT Do you train yours at the same time?

If not… You might want to start now. See how to blitz both in 30 minutes or less here The abs and chest are both anterior chain muscle groups that prefer to work together. Yet… We treat them totally separate. That’s a mistake.

Train your chest/abs like an athlete here

chest-and-abs-workout-for-bigger-chest-cut-abs-ytTwo of the biggest benefits to training like an athlete are…

1. You get more done in a shorter period of time (20-40 minutes) AND

2. You see faster results by training your muscles the way they’re meant to be trained.

Doesn’t get much better than that! Give this one a try and have a great rest of your weekend my friend!



P.S. Why stop at just your chest and abs? There’s a lot more to having a complete physique you know! Let me show you how to train your entire body the way it’s supposed to be trained for maximum muscle and performance. Let me train you like an athlete! Click here for my step by step workout plan for fast results