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Last week I showed you an example of “maximal muscle interaxion” with the quick combination that worked the abs, obliques and biceps at once!


This week, I thought let’s focus in SPECIFICALLY on those abs and obliques!

And I put together my Ab Training Checklist!

Are you REALLY training your abs FULLY?

Check out the “Checklist” for the 9 things you NEED to do to get a six pack FAST!

As with everything we do here at ATHLEAN-X, the “ab training checklist” is based on function…and how the abdominals and core actually work!

For instance…

Did you know that one of the ways you need to train your abs is by MOVING YOUR ARMS and NOT YOUR ABS!

Look, if you want to get your abs to show then you have to start training them COMPLETELY.

That means, addressing ALL the ways they function and then putting a plan together to do this week after week (along with a nutrition program that helps you reveal them by getting rid of the overlaying body fat).

That, my friends, is what ATHLEAN-X is all about.

So, watch this quick video and then join me on “TEAM ATHLEAN” here by getting your ATHLEAN-X program and 90 day blueprint to getting your abs showing fast.



P.S. See how many of these you are doing! (or maybe you’re not?). Remember, if you want to develop your complete six pack…you have to work your six pack COMPLETELY!

P.P.S. For a complete 90 days of science based ab training along with a workout and nutrition plan to build 100% ripped “athletic” muscle from head to toe…then click the link below today!

Your 90 Day Blueprint to Six Pack Abs and Athletic Muscle is Here