Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

If I’ve said it once I have said it a thousand times…You can either work out hard or you can work out long. BUT YOU CAN’T DO BOTH! How do you do this?  By condensing your efforts. See what I mean here…

Now this isn’t my normal “ATHLEAN-X” Style back workout. We get much more in depth with both my exercise choices and progressions. But I did this to answer the argument that it’s “impossible to get a great workout done in under 40 minutes.” I admit I was wrong. I do this one in under 25 minutes!!

full-back-workout-ytSee me go through a back building workout in real time. Whether you stick through and watch this whole workout (I try to give you lots of tips throughout to make it worth your while). Or you just scrub through it…

The key is this. Working out for even a second more than what is needed to stimulate muscle growth will quickly turn a great thing into a bad thing. Do this each workout and you’ll be overtraining. Your muscles will stop growing. Fatigued will become your middle name. And you might even stop working out! Doesn’t have to be this way.

Time to start training like an athlete. Get your ATHLEAN-X Workout System Here. All workouts 20-40 minutes long!! You’ll be amazed at what happens to your body when you finally let it recover. Stimulate. Recover. Grow. Build ripped athletic muscle by trading in workout length for intensity!

Click here to start training like an athlete. See you in a few days with another new video. I hope you find this one as helpful as I think it can be for you!



P.S. As a sports medicine professional, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt…overtraining is very real. In fact, I would bet that 65-75% of those working out are doing it.

Stop overtraining and see results you never knew you were capable of here.

P.P.S. Did you ever take a week off of training (unintentionally) only to find that you came back stronger and looking better than you were the last time you stepped into the gym? Not unexpected. You were overtraining and didn’t know it.

Stimulate. Recover. Grow – Results like never before with ATHLEAN-X