Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

I won’t argue with you…most guys (and even magazines!) focus on the muscles you can readily see in the mirror! And with good reason. You’re forced to see them staring back at you every day so you figure you might as well do something about them!

BUT….Nothing says “STRENGTH” more than a thick, wide back…and if you stick to the “out of sight out of mind” mentality you’ll never build yours like you should. So let me change that…NOW!

back building rubber band rowWith my #1 BACK BUILDING EXERCISE that I’m sure 98% of most guys have NEVER DONE! You know what it is?? I’ll give you a hint… It’s NOT PULLUPS! And it’s NOT PULLOVERS!

Watch the video, and see what it is!

I guarantee by just incorporating this 1 extra move into your workouts you’ll have yourself looking good from all angles (or in any mirror!)

Stay Strong,


PS. If you haven’t gotten started on AthLEAN-X yet, you’ll definitely want to get started quickly. Get AthLEAN-X…get your Cheat Sheet for Eating Out Anywhere (and still manage to get ripped)…and be just 90 days away from a totally new athletic and ripped body! Seems like a win…win…win situation to me!