Ladies… A few weeks ago AXX Trainer Amy Jo shared 4 tips to stay motivated on your diet. But we got tons of emails and comments wanting to know… What does she actually EAT? See EXACTLY What Amy Jo Eats!!
Ladies… A few weeks ago AXX Trainer Amy Jo shared 4 tips to stay motivated on your diet. But we got tons of emails and comments wanting to know… What does she actually EAT? See EXACTLY What Amy Jo Eats!!
Hey Ladies! It’s getting warmer out! Which means we want two things: 1) Toned, sleek arms and shoulders 2) Workouts we can do outside! This upper body tabata workout will give you both! Home UPPER BODY WORKOUT!
Hey Ladies! Did you miss your regularly scheduled workout today? There’s still time to fit in a killer calorie burn! At home…or anywhere! 8 Min HIIT Cardio Workout!
Hey Ladies! As you’ve heard us say before you can’t spot reduce fat off of your belly… But you CAN do workouts that both burn fat everywhere and strengthen your abs, At the same time! Metabolism Boosting ABS MOVES!!
Hey Ladies! You would think you can’t do much in just a 4 minute workout… But this thigh routine will prove that wrong! You’ll be surprised how much your legs will burn! 4 Minute THIGH WORKOUT!