Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

What if I told you I could GUARANTEE you bigger triceps in just 28 days? Not sure it’s possible? It’s time to become a believer. Best part is, this will work regardless of what split you’re following right now OR what your experience level is.

As is often the case here… Jesse was willing to try out the protocol first hand. You’ll likely be shocked at his results!


This will work if you do it. Promise.


P.S.  If you’d like to see the same type of fast gains everywhere (not just your triceps) then it’s time you start training like an athlete.  Here’s a step by step plan of workouts and meals to get you quick results…

Step by step workouts and meal plans for fast results

P.P.S.  If you like this video or want to challenge a friend to see who can get better results in the next 28 days, please do me a favor and share the link with them.  It is the best way for you to tell me you like what I’m doing!

Bigger Triceps in 28 Days (GUARANTEED!)