Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

There isn’t a day that goes by that I or my team here at A-X don’t get asked… “How heavy should I be lifting to get big?” Aaahh… That’s the “big” question. Literally.

Hear the big answer here (it may surprise you!) In this video I not only tell you the answer to this question… BUT One big reason why some exercises may be way easier than others for you to “lift big” on!

The only thing you need to know about lifting “big”

how-heavy-should-i-lift-to-get-big-ytLittle bonus at the end of the video for those that suffer from bad knees! Can you say… Snap, Crackle and Pop!?! I think you’re going to find this walk through video to be really helpful.



P.S. The answer to this big “get big” question is crucial to your long term gains. You’ll understand immediately when you watch. That said, if you want to ensure your best gains ever, why not let me coach you through every single one of your workouts? You actually can. Let me coach you through every workout you do here (See your greatest gains ever in 90 days!)

P.P.S. If you can relate to the last few seconds of this video, it’s time you start doing something about it. Start healing your bad joints from the inside out with the same NSF approved joint formula being used by the Cardinals, Yankees, Blue Jays and more. R-X MECHAN-X Joint Recovery Formula (Less Pain…More Gain)