Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

I have to admit, I cringe every time I hear a meathead at the gym say that you can’t really build muscle with “bodyweight” exercises! Huh?? That doesn’t even make sense.

Physiologically, if you can create an overload that taxes your body more than it is used to …you can create an adaptive response in the muscle you worked (BIGGER and STRONGER!)

Doesn’t matter if you’re using IRON or your BODY to do that!

bodyweight exercisesThat said, I might know WHY they say this (and why many of you may be thinking the same thing!) Because you’re DOING THE SAME OLD BODYWEIGHT EXERCISES OVER AND OVER!! Take a quick review of this list and be honest… Are your workouts full of these exercises?

– Pushups

– Chinups

– Dips

– Tricep Dips

– Lunges

– Squats

– Etc, etc, etc, etc….

If so, you’ve got a HUGE opportunity to shock your system into forced muscle growth and fat loss. Try these 5 sample unique “ATHLEAN X-ERCISES!”


If you take nothing away from this email other than this…remember…bodyweight exercises CAN be a huge factor in the success or failure of your workouts. But understand these two points:

1. You can’t JUST do bodyweight exercises alone! No, every elite athlete can tell you that it’s the combo of both specific bodyweight exercises and weighted exercises (in the appropriate ratio and volumes) that ultimately leads to the best and fastest progress.

2. Variety is essential to breaking plateaus with bodyweight exercises!

Doing the same exercises that you’ve been doing forever will quickly lead to nowhere. It doesn’t matter if you work out at home or a gym…the right bodyweight exercises (those that incorporate functional athleticism and power) can be done anywhere and will cause significant progress – BUT YOU HAVE TO DO THEM!

If you want a complete 90 day program that already does all the work for you and tells you exactly which ones to do, how often to do them, and what exercises to mix them with…then I invite you to join “TEAM ATHLEAN”


Remember, I’ve said it before, if you keep doing what you’ve been doing you’re going to keep getting what you’ve been getting. It’s time to change it up my friend!

Enjoy the rest of your week!



PS. Remember, it doesn’t matter WHERE you want to workout (at home or at the gym) since ATHLEAN-X gives you complete programs for both. What makes the most difference is the EXERCISES you do! Don’t overlook this critical point.