Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

If you’ve been watching the news at all here in the USA, you’ve heard about Hurricane Irene. The category 1 storm is bearing down on the North East with the threat of leaving 90% of the people in it’s path without electricity.

That means closed gyms. If you train at home, no treadmill or machines.

hurricane headrush home workoutThat said, if you follow most training programs that pretty much means no workout. But not for TEAM ATHLEAN! Not only are we working out, but I’ve saved one of my toughest challenges for this rainy weekend!

Check out this week’s incredible challenge (that fits in perfectly as an ATHLEAN BURST alternative for those already owning the A-X System!) as I channel the power of this awesome storm and turn it into an intense conditioning workout that will definitely leave you “winded”!

Current events aside, this is one tough conditioning workout….but isn’t that what you’d come to expect from ATHLEAN-X by now?? Workouts that challenge you in 1/3 the time of most other workouts with just 6 exercises and 320 bodyweight only reps!!

I originally designed this for MMA fighters who were constantly using upper body and core muscles over and over again to fight off take downs as well as bounce back to their feet after working on the ground.

The “Hurricane Headrush” relentlessly attacks your core and stability while putting your shoulders, chest, triceps, and legs through the paces.

All the while acting as conditioning workouts to improve your stamina WITHOUT sacrificing the hard earned muscle you’ve spent developing (like most traditional slow burn cardio!)

Want the final kicker?

As I alluded to, this one requires no weights, no equipment and hardly any space….It’s ATHLEAN BURST TRAINING at it’s best…and it’s just another example of the types of conditioning workouts you’ll find in ATHLEAN-X

*** For over 20+ other BURST TRAINING workouts and some of the most intense muscle building fat burning workouts EVER developed…GRAB YOUR COPY OF ATHLEAN-X NOW AND START SEEING RESULTS IN DAYS!

In the meantime….for those of you in the Northeast US, stay safe and take care of your loved ones!

Or….as I say…



PS. You can either train HARD or you can train LONG but you can’t do both! With ATHLEAN-X you will train for one thing….RESULTS (and you’ll get them with short but intense workouts that get you in and out of the gym quickly!)