Have you ever noticed that boxers like Mayweather, Pacquiao, Wilder and others all have crazy looking midsections? Want to know the real reason? It’s not what you think.
It doesn’t just end at boxers either. Bruce Lee also had a ridiculous looking core. I can tell you; it wasn’t just from those Dragon Flags!
This is one of my favorite videos and workouts of all time. Try it and you’ll quickly see (and feel) why!
P.S. This is just another example of how training like an athlete makes such a difference. I used to train like the magazines told me. I didn’t train with science. Once I became a PT and incorporated it into my training everything changed…
Click here to start training with the same program I use
P.P.S. If you find this video helpful, please do me just one favor and share it with someone you think would like to try the workout with you. I love when people compete!
The Boxer Abs Workout (can you make it all the way through?)