Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

You get to the gym…ready for today’s workout and the first thing you do is what?

1. Your special 10 minute yoga stretching routine?

2. Jump right into max sets of power cleans?

3. Hop on the treadmill for 20 minutes of walking?

4. Hit the shake bar because it’s the social thing to do???


total body warmupWhile all 4 are actually done (yep, in fact I saw all of them happen in just one trip to the gym!!), none of them are what you really SHOULD be doing!

Do #1 and you may actually cost yourself 10-20% of your strength by changing the spatial relationship of your muscle fibers right before you’re getting ready to use them!

Do #2 and you may rip the muscles right off your bones (and REALLY change the spatial relationship of your fibers!!)

Do #3 and you’re simply wasting time if the goal is to build lean athletic muscle!

Do #4 and while you may in fact land a date with the cute girl making the shakes… you may go broke doing it (are you kidding me with these $6 protein shakes?!?)

==> #5 is the perfect 5 minute TOTAL BODY WARMUP ==>

I take a different approach and I think you’re going to not only find it unique… but fun (in a slightly competitive way!) It’s called my “5 ON 1 CHALLENGE!” Put yourself to the test…AND at the same time, get WARMED UP the way you’re body needs to be in order to get the most out of your workout!

In the meantime…stay “warm” where ever you are!

Stay Strong,


P.S. Want an entire workout based on safe, sound, scientific muscle building principles?  Get ATHLEAN Today!