Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

In tribute to this incredibly popular movie series, ATHLEAN-X created a sick “six part” workout that you could do anywhere…over two years ago!!

That’s right…ripped out of the archives and made available to you now…

As I said, this one is from over 2 years ago so when you watch it be sure to look for 2 very important things.

  1. Notice how much more muscle I am carrying these days as compared to my early days with ATHLEAN-X. What this means is that when you’re training with the RIGHT type of workouts you see improvements. It doesn’t matter HOW long you’ve been training…it will ALWAYS WORK when you shift to what you should have been doing all along.
  2. Even in the “early days” we were delivering cutting edge workouts that work. It’s no secret that this is why A-X has become the hottest workout in the industry today and why so many who had been following those “other” workouts are becoming “TEAM ATHLEAN” converts!

Will you be converting your workout to ATHLEAN-X?

Finally…Unlike the Summer Blockbuster movies ATHLEAN-X produces serious buzz all year round Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall for over 2 years now! (by producing serious results)



PS. Speaking of “Transform-ations”. Check out the kind of results that are possible with ATHLEAN-X. Rob Tyre went from man (a certainly thin one at that) to Machine! And you’re capable of the same. But you’ve got to get started. After all, sitting back and watching movies all Summer ain’t gonna get it done! Know what I mean?!?

Get the Same Program Rob Used to Make These Gains in JUST 12 WEEKS