Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

When it comes to building fat free muscle naturally (without the use of dangerous drugs!) There’s a very fine line you must walk.

Your training volume must not exceed your capacity to recover from it. Ignore this and you will OVERTRAIN. But…I see guys continue to get this wrong all the time. So I made this video about it…The #1 mistake made by natural lifters.

what-overtraining-looks-like-ytLet’s put it this way…

If you’re spending more than the length of time per workout lifting weights that I mention in this video (allowing a few extra minutes for warmup and ab work)…You’re likely overtraining. Or worse, not training hard enough and therefore wasting time anyway.

This one may be an eye opener to some. But don’t dismiss it. Because getting this wrong will stop your progress dead in it’s tracks.

Meantime, enjoy the rest of your week my friend. More than ever, I hope “rest” is part of your plans!



P.S. Here’s a quick test for you. You should be able to ace this one especially after you watch the video above. Look at the two pictures below and tell me which one of these guys works out for 3 HOURS A DAY and which works out for no more than 3 HOURS A WEEK? Awhile back I wrote an entire blog about this very topic of overtraining. You can see it and read more about Luis’s transformation here.

Click here to get the same exact program Luis used to make his 90 day transformation