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Joze Flajs – Thinks It’s The GREATEST!✝✝
Joze Flajs: 26 Bovec, Slovenia
Hi Jeff and TEAM ATHLEAN just wanted to tell you that you guys rock and you are greatest. I have researched all the programs that are out there and you guys are best. I think it really is a great program and thank you for all the hard work I would recommend it to anyone who wants to train like an athlete.
Keep doing what you are doing and I am looking forward to NXT.  
Juan Carlos Broca – Packs On Muscle Like a BEAST!✝✝
Juan Carlos Broca: 35 Tabasco, Mexico
Hello Jeff, I just want to thank you for your program ATHLEAN-X. I have seen great results it has helped me so much. I feel with each workout I am getting stronger and more athletic. As a older guy this program has helped me feel energized throughout the day. I enjoy the challenges at the end of every week to gauge my progress and see how I am doing against Jeff.
Thank you again for a great program has helped me out alot.  
Gregory Hartung
Gregory Hartung✝✝
Gregory Hartung: 24 High River , Alberta
I am so thankful and glad to be participating in the ATHLEAN-X programs. Every part of the program was so easy for me to adjust to. It really made me realize the science and reality of bodybuilding. I received a comment from a post I made on the ATHLEAN-X Facebook page to post my transformation pictures.
The first picture was taken after one year of what I thought was hard training. I got one personal trainer session to ensure I was being safe in the gym: otherwise I had no experience. I weighed in early in the year at 183 lbs. The first picture I weighed about 165 lbs. The second picture is taken the morning after I completed the final test challenge in AX-1. I weigh about 150 lbs. and can lift almost half of the original weight added to what I was previously lifting. Every day has been very rewarding and exciting for me. I have been participating in the AX-2 challenge; and I have just completed my second week. I already am excited for another round and I am seeing more results still. Just want to say thank you again Jeff for the work you put into helping others who want to look their best at a premium level. I have all the motivation I need right here with TEAM ATHLEAN.  
Ben Brown Ben Brown
Benjamin Brown – PUSHES Him Past His LIMITS✝✝
Ben Brown : 19 Mentor, Ohio
Thank you Jeff for a great program that has helped me in numerous ways. Your program has really pushed me and helped me get the most out of my workouts. It's a constant challenge and I love it. I've seen many improvements in myself physically and mentally. I am also pretty new to the personal training world and has helped me the way I can help people accomplish their own fitness goals.
Adam Oloffoson
Adam Oloffson✝✝
Adam Oloffoson : 18 Stockholm , Sweden
These are pics from the first round of ATHLEAN-X where I got the most results from any training program before! I literately saw results every day! And it was amazing. Gained 2 kg, from 80-82kg. I'm 197cm tall so that still not alot. I got more visible abs, indicating loss of body fat.
This is actually only 8 weeks in to the program!  
AJ Wayne
AJ Wayne – Tried Others, But AX is the ONLY Program for Him!!✝✝
AJ Wayne: 21 Campbellsville, Kentucky
I had tried many other workouts and went through 90 days of p90x and got some gains but nothing like I wanted. So I decided to search for something new and came across Jeff's YouTube channel. I was immediately sold on the training system. The workouts are incredible you can do them anywhere and are done in 45 minutes.
Once I started I knew as long as I stuck it out I would be getting major results. And I DID! Greatest life changing investment of my life! Thanks Jeff!  
Alex Fosnot Alex Fosnot
Alex Fosnot✝✝
Alex Fosnot: 24 Huber Heights , Ohio
I was 219 pounds when I started working out. I was running a lot and I want to start an ab work out and my friend told me about the ATHLEAN-X 6 PACK PROMISE app. I downloaded and instantly started using it. Within a few weeks I started noticing huge gains. I have recently bought the whole ATHLEAN-X  training program. I am about to start the whole body program because the ab program worked very well and I have a lot of hope in the rest of the program. Thanks Jeff for the work outs.  
Once I started I knew as long as I stuck it out I would be getting major results. And I DID! Greatest life changing investment of my life! Thanks Jeff!  
Scott Michaud – Adds Muscle, Gets Shredded (At THE SAME TIME)✝✝
Scott Michaud: 24 Fredericton, New Brunswick
Just would like to thank Jeff and anyone else who was a part of ATHLEAN-X in making the program. It's a great program that will help you get into shape in 90 days like you wouldn't believe. I'm in the best shape of my life right now and I was in high school 8 years ago. The workouts are great they are 20-45 minutes and very intense.
The meal plan is awesome it's very easy to follow with meal by meal and day by day included in the plan and no counting calories. If you had told me that I would have a defined chest and 6 pack 3 months ago I would have called you crazy. But thanks you Jeff it is possible.  
Ryan McDilda – Drops Body Fat, Total TRANSFORMATION!!✝✝
Ryan McDilda: 21 Carlisle, Pennsylvania
When I started ATHLEAN-X I weighted 205 pounds and was 16% body fat after completing ATHLEAN-X I went down to 175 pounds and about 10% body fat. I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to change up there training and start seeing major changes in their bodies. I will be doing AX-2 in the near future and can not wait to see the changes it helps my body make.
Thanks guys for a great program keep up the good work.  
Daniel Olvera – Gives Him an EDGE in Jiu-Jitsu✝✝
Daniel Olvera: 20 El Campo, Texas
I joined TEAM ATHLEAN about 2 months ago and have been amazed so far. The workouts are great and I think Jeff is an awesome trainer and motivator. Doing Jeff's type of cardio has helped me so much in my fighting training. It's not your normal boring cardio it changes everyday and it's shorter amount of time but more intense and your building muscle at the same time, what is better then that.
I've only been here 2-3 months but I support ATHLEAN-X 100% and I will be training with TEAM ATHLEAN for the rest of my life. Thanks Jeff!