Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes

Unlike other areas of the chest, the upper pecs (the top half that starts up at the collarbone) allow for a degree of targeting that the other areas do not.

If yours are lacking fullness… The right exercises will fix it!

This is actually an area that Jesse was really struggling with when he first started working out with me. Now, as you’ll see in this video, he’s made some truly impressive gains!

I’m giving you lots of exercise options here to help you get the job done. Bodyweight. Weighted. Beginner. Advanced.

No excuses. It’s time to hit those upper pecs with a heavy dose of science.

Let the gains begin!


P.S.  This is what I was talking about regarding Jesse. Look at the difference the right type of training can do for filling out the chest.

Click here to use the same program Jesse used to do this…

P.P.S.  If you find the video helpful, please do me a favor and share it with someone who you think could benefit from the information as well.  Only a bad friend keeps chest gains away from his buddies!

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

I’m p*ssed off and this is why!

There’s two types of people that give supplements a bad name.

1.  The criminals that knowingly put harmful ingredients in their supplements to make a buck.
2.  The thieves who know that the supplements they’re selling will do absolutely NOTHING for you!

I had a video on scoliosis planned for tonight until I got an instagram message from one of my fans who asked me what I thought of a product. The rest is history!

There’s much to be learned here.


P.S.  By the way, if you’re not following me on instagram it’s easy to do.  Just search “@athleanx” and hit FOLLOW. Tons of unique content posted many times a week.  Even my childhood inspiration Sylvester Stallone is following!

P.P.S.  If you’re looking for supplements that undergo the rigorous NSF Certified for Sport testing to ensure no banned substances and truth in every bottle, click the link below and use what the pros are using…

The supplements used by today’s top pro athletes
(Tested. Trusted.  Truth in Every Bottle)

Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes

Did you know the lower chest is one of the top two biggest problem areas for men? Yep. Right up there with their stomach. It doesn’t have to be that way…at least not anymore!

Whether your chest is:

  •  Sagging
  •  Lacking muscular definition
  •  Has no “shape” or bottom line

It can all be fixed.  Let me show you exactly how!

You may have watched a few videos on this topic if this is something you always wanted to do something about. I can tell you this; you have never watched one this helpful. I’m putting the science back in strength in this one and giving you a step by step blueprint for your lower pecs.

I think you’re going to love it!


P.S.  There’s a saying I use a lot, and it’s “Follow the Fibers”!  I’m referring to the muscle fibers and how they help give you a game plan for attacking a specific muscle.  We’re doing it again here and it is going to allow you to hammer that lower chest area like never before.

Click here to see how to fix your lower pecs (no more sagging!)

P.P.S.  If you’re looking to change more than just your pecs and you want to build a ripped athletic body from head to toe, I can do that with you.  Let me work with you for the next 90 days and you’ll be amazed at how you look (just in time for Summer!)  Click here…

“Jeff, I’m ready to try your program.  I want to be ripped by Summer”

Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes

If you could only do one triceps exercise for size, which would it be?

I’ll not only tell you the answer but I’ll show you the exact science behind my choice.

Likely, every one of these exercises are part of your current triceps training. But there is a single best and I’ll show you which one it is.

Let the “IRON FACE/OFF” begin!

There will be a winner. And at the end of it all… The biggest winners will be you and the size of your tri’s!


P.S.  As I point out in the video, exercises alone mean NOTHING when it comes to building muscle.  It always comes down to HOW you do the exercise.  I’ll make sure you do them all right for the next 90 days and just watch as you pack on gains faster than ever before!

See your fastest gains ever in the next 90 days here

P.P.S.  Let me know which other exercises you want me to pit head to head in a future IRON FACE/OFF in the comments on this video.  Glad to do it for you!

Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes

Your head may spin when you hear this, but I’ll say it anyway. The BIG Lat Pulldown Mistake is… NOT rocking when you do them!

In other words… it’s time to start rocking on your pulldowns!

I’m breaking out the muscle physiology to show you a whole new way to do your pulldowns for BETTER gains!

And you though this was bad form?

ATTN“Jesse” makes a key appearance in this beginning of this video. He’s back trying to make up new exercises again and this one tops them all. He’s sporting quite the hairdo this time too.



P.S.  The goal of any exercise is to maximally involve the muscles that exercise is supposed to be training while minimizing momentum and wasted movement.  The “rocking” pulldown shown here ironically does just that!

Try this pulldown variation for more gains…

P.P.S.  I’m putting the science back in strength as you’ll see when breaking down this exercise.  For a complete program that does this every workout and produces insane gains for those that follow it…click the next link to let me train you for the next 90 days!

Train with me for the next 90 days here.  Let the gains begin!