Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Did you know, the shoulder joint is the one most often injured and muscularly imbalanced in the body? Try to press overhead when this is the case and you know it.


Doesn’t have to anymore and here’s how to fix it. The best things about this warmup are:

1.  It is only one exercise
2.  It can be done with one pair of dumbbells
3.  It takes just a minute to do.
4.  You feel the relief instantly

This will also help to get rid of those annoying pops, cracks and grinding noises your shoulder makes every time you lift it overhead! Give this a try. I promise it will become your new staple warmup.


P.S.  The human body has always amazed me.  It creates imbalances out of a desire to look for shortcuts.  That is where we need to step in and not allow them!  This is one example of how to stop “shortcuts” from ruining your gains…

The GREATEST Shoulder Warmup (You’ve NEVER Tried!)

P.P.S.  I really believe that being both a physical therapist and a pro athlete strength coach allows me to bring a higher level of training to you.  It’s the same science applied to every one of my workouts.  Click here to find the one most suited to your goals  and get ready to let the gains begin…

Click here to find the program best suited to your exact goals

Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

I bet you think that in order to be ripped year round, you HAVE to do what I do:

1.  Never Drink Alcohol
2.  Eat Sweets Just ONCE a Year


In fact, it’s much easier and less restrictive than that. This is going to be the most honest NO B.S. video you’ll ever see on this topic. Why? Because the truth works.  Period.

I’m sure you know someone that needs to hear what is said in this video. If so… Please do me a favor and share it with them. It’s the greatest way to let me know that you like the videos that I put up for you.


P.S.  The key to getting ripped without having to sacrifice muscle growth is the right approach to nutrition and training.  I’ve got you covered there.  I’m literally giving you my exact step by step approach here…

My step by step plan for eating and training here

P.P.S.  There is a whole lotta truth being dished up in this video, and in a world of YouTube fitness filled  with lies and B.S. it’s exactly what is needed.

5 Things EVERY Ripped Guy Does (COPY THESE!)

Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

Of all the chronic tendonitis ailments we can get through training, the one that tends to come back most often and just as intense as before is PLANTAR FASCIITIS. You know why? Because we treat the symptoms and not the cause!

Rolling your foot on a lacrosse ball or getting ultrasound to the arch of your foot are not just a waste of time but they actually could be doing more harm than good!

I’m putting on the physical therapist hat for this one but I urge you to watch it EVEN IF YOU DON’T HAVE HEEL PAIN! Why? Because there are some great prevention tips in here and you can share them with someone you know who deals with this.


P.S.  Remember, the source of pain is almost never the cause of it!  This is just another example of that…

The REAL Cause of Heel Pain and Plantar Fasciitis

P.P.S.  If you feel as if this video could help someone please do me a favor and share it with them.  Anyone that has dealt with the stabbing, burning feeling of Plantar Fasciitis will love you for helping, trust me!

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

I never realized how much people wanted to know what my body stats were! There’s actually websites devoted to it… HAHA! Well, I guess it’s time to clear the air. You may be VERY surprised.


P.S.  There is something even more important revealed in this video.  I think you’ll find it even more helpful than the stats themselves…

Jeff Cavaliere’s Height, Weight and Body Fat (REVEALED!)

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

As you likely know… I grew up a huge fan of Sylvester Stallone and the Rocky movies in particular. So it comes as no surprise that I was first in line to see CREED 2 last night! But,  I had another very BIG reason to be there…

Now, I’ve had the great fortune to train a lot of incredible athletes. But Florian is an absolute beast!

As excited as I am for him and this movie… I’m just as excited to be able to give you guys a behind the scenes look into his training. As you’ll see, success doesn’t happen by accident. It’s earned.