Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

You probably know already how important it is that you LIFT weights. BUT… Did you know how important it was to focus on HOW you lift them? Don’t worry.  I’ll tell you exactly what’s best!

Just think of all the time you may have spent wasted in the gym doing this the wrong way. I’m going to make sure that never happens again in this video!

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been lifting for one week… OR If you’re a 30+ year veteran of the gym. This one is going to be very helpful! I’m looking forward to you seeing this one.


P.S.  Yep, Jesse making a cameo in this one.  Let’s just say it’s the “ROBOT” version of Jesse!  He makes a great point though and worth listening to.

The Best Way to Lift Weights (NO MORE WASTED TIME!)

P.P.S.  It’s not just what exercises you do, it’s how you do them. I’ll walk you through not just exactly what to do but how to do them in every program I have.  Just choose your goal and I’ll get you the absolute best workout and meal plan for you here…

Click here to let me recommend the best workout and meal pan for you

Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

With January already a week down… Are you closer now than you were a week ago to your healthiest body ever in 2019? To get there you’re going to need a strong core and I’ve got you covered.

I’m going to take you through 5 moves that will hit every area of your core. 1 minute at a time. 5 minutes total. Trust me, you’ll feel it!

Now remember…

Abs alone won’t cut it.  I just said in last week’s video how important nutrition and an overall approach to training are. But… If the thought of this small 5 minute commitment is enough to get you motivated to START, then by all means, let’s get going!


P.S.  Try this quick 5 minute beginner ab workout and let me know how you like it.  I promise, you’ll feel it in areas you’ve never felt before…

Quick 5 Minute Beginner Ab Workout!

P.P.S.  If you’re ready to train more than just your abs and you want a step by step meal plan to help you to strip away fat to get a ripped, athletic physique, click to get  started…

Get a ripped, athletic body by training like an athlete here

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

It’s January, it’s a New Year, it’s time to lose some weight. BUT… You DO NOT want to do what I’m showing you here. The gyms will be packed with people doing exactly what I show you here. AND… They will be bound to fail. I don’t want to see you make the same mistake!

This one video is going to be a game changer for you. It’s going to save you a whole lot of time. AND… It’s going to get you on the right track to finally making this the year you get in your best shape ever. I promise.


P.S.  If you want a step by step meal plan and workout program that will ensure you look and perform your best in 2019, I’ve got you covered.  Pick the one that is best suited to your goals here…

Step by Step Meal Plans and Workouts (I’ll Help You Choose)

P.P.S.  If you find this video to be just the wake up call you needed to avoid mistakes and wasted time and think it could help someone else, please do me a favor and share it with them.  I’m very thankful for you helping me to spread the right message.

The 5 Worst Ways to Lose Weight (Help a Friend!)

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

What better way for me to wrap up 2018 than by giving you an inside glimpse of me that I’ve rarely shown! So what are you going to see?

and More!

Basically, you’re going to see me like never before.

Wishing you a heartfelt thank you for all of your support in 2018. And most of all, my commitment to bringing you my very best yet in 2019 to help you get in the best shape of your life!


P.S.  If you are sick of starting every year with plans to get in your best shape only to have those fail by the end of January, I can help. It’s because you need a plan you can actually stick to. I make it so simple…

Click here for a plan you WILL stick to this year (based on your goals)

P.P.S.  Let me know what you want me to cover in the video comments and I’ll do my best to cover it in 2019. In the meantime you definitely want to catch this one before 2018 is over…

A Side of Jeff Cavaliere You’ve RARELY Seen!

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

The lower back is one of the most vulnerable areas of our body. AND TO MAKE THINGS WORSE… We don’t do the right exercises for it. So it gets weak! Unless… You do exactly what I’m showing you here.

Most of the exercises that are performed for the low back are isometrics. We forget to take the lumbar paraspinals through their full range of motion, and this is a big mistake.

I’m going to give you the step by step game plan today.

What to do.
When to do it.
How to do it right.

I think you’re going to find this to be very very helpful. Please share it with someone else you know could benefit!


P.S.  The low back is ground zero for all movement. If it’s messed up, it’s hard to train anything else at all let alone effectively. This is a very important video for that reason alone. Be sure to get this right…

How to Get a STRONG Low Back (DO THIS EVERY DAY!)

P.P.S.  The ATHLEAN-X programs never overlook what most other programs do. When you train like an athlete, everything matters. Train like an athlete for the next 90 days and you’ll be amazed at just how strong, fit and healthy you can become…

“Yes, Jeff I want to have you train me like an athlete!”
Click if you’re ready to start building ripped, athletic muscle now