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judgement day workoutChances are…if you’re reading this You survived “Judgement Day”! Man oh man…if you’re like me you were sweating that one out.

That said, if it were to have been the “End of Days” this week’s workout was going to need to deliver some SERIOUS results….SERIOUSLY FAST!! Check Out my Latest Creation “THE JUDGEMENT DAY WORKOUT!”

Knowing that we might not have time to get all the necessary equipment let alone perform the workout, I made sure this Killer Upper Body Blitz was fast (4 minutes) intense (all I can say is Holy S#%t!) and EQUIPMENT FREE!! Just your “bodyweight only” needed to do this INSANE CHALLENGE.

That said, while we’re on the topic of FAST results and FAST workouts, it absolutely NEEDS to be said that in order for a workout to be effective it DOES NOT have to be long!!

In fact, as every pro athlete could attest to…the longer the workout (unnecessarily long) the WORSE results you get from it as you quickly dive into overtraining!

MY PROMISE. With AthLEAN-X I promise you will never be allowed to overtrain…with carefully arranged workouts and training volumes that increase and decrease at JUST the right time you’ll ALWAYS GET CONSISTENT “PLATEAU FREE” RESULTS!

When you’re training the right way (which is quickly and with intensity) you will see that getting results has never been easier!

JOIN TEAM ATHLEAN TODAY! When you don’t just need results….but FAST RESULTS, they don’t come any faster than with AthLEAN-X!

Most guys start seeing and feeling a difference within the first 7 days …and it only accelerates from there. In the meantime times-a-wasting! Put yourself to the test with the “Judgement Day” Workout and start feeling what “AthLEAN Burst” training is all about in the next few minutes

AND THEN Get AthLEAN-X if you haven’t already and start looking great for in the next 90 days and beyond!!

(if we make it that far!)

Stay Strong….


**PS. If workouts like this one (that require very little to no equipment) are exactly what you’re looking for then AthLEAN-X is perfect for you.

***PPS. The Thor “300” Workout X-clusive is included with your purchase of AthLEAN-X ALL-STAR Package! Order today!