Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

Being a strength and conditioning coach and having a chance to work with some of the most elite professional athletes in the world…I’ve had the opportunity to see more workout styles and techniques than you can imagine!

I’ve probably seen the seemingly basic “BARBELL CURL” performed 100 different ways (with slight to huge variations in technique)

one tip for more muscle growthBUT….the one thing that the most muscular, ripped and explosively looking athletes have in common is that they all do this ONE THING on EVERY REP!

Most times, it’s the small things……the slight variations in technique …the perfect angle of the arms, legs, etc …the tempo of the lift …the proper use (or elimination!) of momentum that all together combine to take the average set and make it a “NO DOUBT 100% EFFECTIVE SET”.

And here’s the KEY point…if you’re a guy that’s natural and drug free (as you absolutely should be), it all comes down to making every one of your sets effective!

Let’s face it. If you “half-ass” it, you’ve given your muscles no reason to adapt to become bigger or stronger. If you do too much you definitely risk overtraining.

So….if you can incorporate what I show you in this video and then apply:

…the proper tempo (I tell you how in ATHLEAN-X)

…rest times (I tell you how in ATHLEAN-X) …

changes that should be made to make standard exercises much better for building muscle (I tell you how in A-X) and other keys that often get overlooked like this week’s video tip…then you can not only make your time in the gym more rewarding but I guarantee you’ll make faster progress than ever before.

That’s The Reason Why ATHLEAN-X Can Do in 90 Days What You Haven’t Been Able to do in the last 900! Hope you that this video is just what you needed to inspire you to make a change.

Stay Strong…
