Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

I’ve done my fair share of biceps training in my life.


I’m going to show you the science behind why this technique works.


Most importantly, show you how you can do the exact same thing without any fancy machines needed!

No shallow “PubMed” studies here. Just REAL practical, hands-on training advice that you can apply yourself for next level results. I think you’re going to be excited to try this one out!


P.S.  There’s an old saying (that is 100% true).  That is, you can either train hard or you can train long…but you can’t do both!  This is yet another example of that.

How to Make Your Biceps Feel like They’re Going to Explode!

P.P.S.  If you’re looking to trade in long workouts for much quicker (and much more effective workouts that will deliver much greater results), I invite you to join me on team athlean by getting the program best suited to your goals here…

Use this to let me help you find my best program for YOU!

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

When I was younger, my back looked as flat as a pancake!

No size.
No definition.
No width.

Until I learned how to do this…

Today I’d say that my back is stronger and more developed than any other area on my body and yours will be too. Every single muscle of your back will benefit!

I’m including another one of my “Size in 6 Minutes” routines. This one for the back. I think you’re going to love this one…

But at the same time hate me for showing it to you!


P.S.  This really is my best advice I can give on how to develop a more muscular looking back.  If you find it helps you, please share it with someone else you know it would help.

Hit Every Muscle of Your Back with This Video

P.P.S.  If you’re ready to put science back in every workout you do (and see much faster results because of it!) then I’m ready to coach you starting today…

“Jeff, help me get fast results with your step by step program”
Just click the link and we can get started within minutes from now!

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Have you ever noticed that boxers like Mayweather, Pacquiao, Wilder and others all have crazy looking midsections? Want to know the real reason? It’s not what you think.

It doesn’t just end at boxers either. Bruce Lee also had a ridiculous looking core. I can tell you; it wasn’t just from those Dragon Flags!

This is one of my favorite videos and workouts of all time. Try it and you’ll quickly see (and feel) why!


P.S.  This is just another example of how training like an athlete makes such a difference.  I used to train like the magazines told me.  I didn’t train with science. Once I became a PT and incorporated it into my training everything changed…

Click here to start training with the same program I use

P.P.S.  If you find this video helpful, please do me just one favor and share it with someone you think would like to try the workout with you.  I love when people compete!

The Boxer Abs Workout (can you make it all the way through?)

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Not much to say about this one other than… You need to try it out! Likely, you’ve never done a  shoulder exercises like this before.


You will after you feel how this one works. Here’s what makes this even better… You can either do it as a shoulder “finisher” after your workout.


As a complete workout itself. Either way, it’s equally brutal (but effective!)


P.S.  When you see why this workout is so effective you’ll instantly recognize the difference of A-X training. Overlook nothing in your training starting today…

Click here to start training like an athlete today

P.P.S.  Challenge a friend and see who can make it through this insane shoulder workout.  Do me a favor and please share it with someone you think would be up to the challenge!

Intense Shoulder Workout (Just a pair of dumbbells!)

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Ask anyone who follows the NFL…

“Who’s the best wide receiver in the league?”

And the guy that is going to be the first one out of most people’s mouths is no doubt…


The story of Antonio Brown’s rise to the top of the NFL is legendary.  He was doubted by most scouts. What they had no idea about was his desire to outwork everybody!

It will take you just seconds of watching this to witness that greatness begins with preparation.

Put in the work now. Reap the rewards later!


P.S.  If you like these behind the scenes videos of me training with some of my athletes, be sure to let me know and I’ll do more.  Share it with someone  you think will like this as well.  It’s always appreciated.

Antonio Brown Workout (JACKED!)

P.P.S.  If you’re ready to start training like an athlete (even if you are just starting out or have been on the sidelines for awhile!) I’m ready to coach you…

Click here to start training like an athlete today