Estimated Read Time: 0 minute

Your program has also given me results unmatched to anything else I ever attempted. I look forward to every workout week in and week out. As a soldier we need to be fit at all times and ready to fight.  I am currently working towards earning my Bachelor’s degree in Sports and Health Sciences with a concentration on Exercise Science. Your program changed my eating habits, physical readiness, and my life. Thanks again for creating such an amazing program. Nothing worth having comes easy.


Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Did you know… The secret to building bigger delts (yes, all three heads) involves you using much lighter weights! I’m serious.

The science behind why this works so well? It all has to do with tempo. The speed at which you perform your shoulder exercises and of course, knowing which to do!

As with everything I bring you in my videos, this one is backed by science and is something that you will be able to feel instantly! It’s that effective.

What are you waiting for? You’ve got to give this one a try!


P.S.  This one is going to be very helpful.  You’ll be shocked at how effective this is.  Please do me a favor and share it with a friend.  Let them feel the torture with you 🙂

Build Big Shoulders with Light Weights (Full Routine)

P.P.S.  Looking to speed up the results you’re seeing from your workouts?  Put the science back in supplementation with the ATHLEAN-Rx formulas.  Trusted by today’s top pro athletes and celebrities.  There is no equal on the market…

Tested.  Trusted.  Truth in Every Bottle.  ATHLEAN-RX Supplements

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

If you sit for more than just a couple hours a day, I’m going to bet that you have weak glutes!

Weak glutes are one of the most prevalent issues we suffer from, and it impacts almost every aspect of our being.

They cause:
– Bad posture
– Back pain
– Unrealized strength potential
– And more..

Here’s the problem. Even if you’re squatting and deadlifting a ton. It’s not fixing this issue. I explain why in the video and give you 5 unique ways to test the state of your own glutes right now!


P.S.  I’ve said it so many times, there are NO unimportant muscles in the body.  So why do you pick and choose the ones you want to train?  They all need to be trained the right way.  I’ve already done that for you step by step here…

Overlook nothing with the complete A-X Training System here

P.P.S.  Share these 5 red flags with someone you train with and see how many you have in common.  Unfortunately, you will likely both be surprised!

5 Signs Your Glutes are Weak as Hell!

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

It is definitely frustrating when trying to get a slow-to-grow muscle to respond and you feel as if you’ve tried everything. Yet still no results. Well, starting with this video you’ll no longer be able to say that about your biceps!

In fact, I’m going to show you WHY everything the “gym bros” told you hasn’t worked. And then give you a complete 6 minute routine you can do that will help you start growing those arms right away!

Heavy weights not required. I’m serious. In fact, you’ll likely be using very light weights here but you’ll be amazed at how quickly it works!


P.S.  I always say, it’s not WHAT exercises you do it is HOW you do them that makes all the difference in the world.  This is another example of that.  It’s why training like an athlete has made all the difference for you.  To keep training like an athlete and keep the gains coming…

Click here and let me help you pick your next program!

P.P.S.  If you try the instant test and workout I show you in the video and find it helpful, the best way you can tell me you liked it is to share it with someone else you think would appreciate it.  It really means a lot to me.  Thanks!

Can’t Get Big Biceps? Just Do THIS!!

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

There are so many diets that people follow, BUT do you know which one is most dangerous?

Take a guess before you watch…

South Beach
Zone Diet

This may be the most helpful video that I have ever made. If you listen very closely… It’s going to give you a whole new perspective and hopefully save a lot of people from making a very costly mistake!


P.S.  If you find this video helpful or eye opening please do me a favor and share it with someone else you think will benefit from the information.  I greatly appreciate me helping to spread the word.

The Most DANGEROUS Diet in the World!

P.P.S.  If you are looking for a way to eat that isn’t based on deprivation or temporary results, then I’m happy to show you the exact way I eat to stay lean 365 days a year, year in and year out….

Click here to get access to my exact meal plan