Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

When it comes to the abs, everyone talks about having a “6 pack”. Well, you can’t have 6 without having defined lower abs.

I’ve got you covered. No gimmicks. No B.S. No “shortcuts”.

What I’m going to show you here is going to help you to not just get your lower abs to pop… But to do it faster than ever before by avoiding the common mistakes we make when training for them.

This one is going to come in handy… Especially with Summer just days away.

Follow what I’m showing you here and I promise you’ll start noticing results in no time at all!

Time to unleash those lower abs!


P.S.  One of the biggest keys to getting abs is always going to be your nutrition.  How good is yours?  Want to follow the exact same eating plan I use to stay lean 365 days a year?  No ups and downs?  It’s actually very easy.

My 365 Day a Year “STAY RIPPED” Meal Plan
Included with all 90 day AX Workout Programs

P.P.S.  If you find these tips helpful, please do me a favor and share this video with someone you think would also benefit from it.  It’s the best way you can show me you like what I’m doing. Thanks!

4 Steps to Awesome LOWER ABS! (Works Every Time)

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

When is the last time you added a significant amount of weight to your squat? I mean like 60-90 pounds more! If it’s been a while, I think I know why. You NEED to do less squatting and more of these….

A little skeptical? This is exactly the formula used by KC Mitchell (That 1 Legged Monster) to be the world’s strongest powerlifter on one leg!

I think you are going to love this video. In fact, it’s the start of a series on how to increase all of the “big lifts” with the most important accessory lifts you can do. Today, it starts with the squat!


P.S.  There are no “unimportant” muscles in your body. If you want to see your greatest gains ever (and your fastest) then you are going to have to learn how to hit them all when you train.  This video is just one example.

Click here to watch how to boost your squat fast

P.P.S.  If you are looking for a complete step by step workout and nutrition plan that leaves out all the guesswork and will take you to all new gains in muscle, strength and performance…

Click here to let me coach you for the next 90 days

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

You know I usually don’t lash out at others’ ideas and call them “dumb.” But, I’m sorry, this one makes no sense at all!

Of course I’m not going to leave you hanging with bad advice, I’m going to give you something else to do instead. And… I’m breaking out the “muscle markers” to get it done!

Jesse, on the other hand… he’s got that strange hairdo again. I wonder what that means.

I think you’re going to like this one for multiple reasons!


P.S.  I’m a stickler for using the right exercises, at the right time, in the right way.  All of my programs are built off that foundation, and I include a scientific reason for why we do it.  If you want to put the science back in strength again, I invite you to get started with one of the following programs….

Pick which program is best for you here

P.P.S.  If you like this video or find it really helpful, please do me a favor and share it with someone else you think will benefit as well.  Truly appreciate you spreading the word.

Click here to see how NOT to train your upper chest

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

You might think I’m joking, but I can assure you, I’M NOT!

I’m going to show you a new way to do pullups that involves letting go with 1 hand. If you do what I’m showing you here, you’ll also be able to build more muscle with pullups! Trust me, it works.

You’re not going to need any extra weights to get this done. Just your own bodyweight and a pullup bar. I think you are going to love this and I promise you’re going to feel it on the very first rep you try!


P.S.  This is just another example of how you can build more muscle by changing the way you look at bodyweight exercises.  If you’re looking for a complete program that uses absolutely no equipment at all, I’ve got you covered there.

Try My ATHLEAN XERO 100% Bodyweight Program Here

P.P.S.  If you find this video helpful, do me a favor and  please share it with someone you think will find the information to be just as impactful on their training.  I’d really appreciate it.

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

If you’ve watched my videos for any length of time you likely know how important I feel recovery is. That said, there is one exercise I think you should be doing EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

Here’s what will happen if you do:

  1. You’ll have better posture
  2. You’ll fix common muscle imbalances
  3. You’ll get stronger on your big lifts
  4. You’ll improve your joint mobility

That’s a lot of good for just 1 minute of work each day. So, without further delay, I want to show you this exercise. Be sure to note the key tips I share with you about doing it. It will literally make all the differences in the results you see from it.


P.S.  What you’ll see in this video is exactly the same attention to detail that I put in my workouts.  That is why they work so well and so quickly for those that follow them. The details matter when it comes to how our bodies work.

Get my step by step workout and meal plans here (Build Ripped Muscle)

P.P.S.  If you know someone that is not doing this exercise every single day, do me a favor and please share this with them. It would be awesome to have your help in spreading the word.

Share this video with someone you know could benefit from it