Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Triceps Pushdowns are one of the most popular exercises in the gym, BUT, I can absolutely assure you… there’s more you can be doing on them to squeeze even more gains from every rep you do.

This is part of my new “Max Gains” series where I’ll break down popular exercises to help you get the most out of every single one of them.

Putting the science back in strength in this one to help you get the most out of this move. I think you’re going to find this one to be really helpful! Let the tricep gains begin…


P.S.  If you are looking for a single program that focuses on maximizing your muscle gains in just  90 days, I’ve got you covered…

Click here for my Max Size 90 Day Program

P.P.S.  If you find this video helpful, please share it with someone you think could benefit as well.  We all obviously do this exercise rather regularly.  Help a  friend out and share this with them.

Click here to get the most out of the triceps pushdown 

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

If you work out in a gym, or even plan to in the future… you’re definitely going to want to see this video. It will save you lots of embarrassment!

Maybe you’re a seasoned gym veteran? Well, you still may be guilty of one or two of these. And you’ll certainly recognize the others!

Consider this a friendly reminder video and above all, if you see something you know will help out a friend, be a good friend and share this with them. They, and I, will love you for it!


P.S.  Thank you to all those who have served, are  serving or whose families have lost a loved one in the line of duty on this Memorial Day Weekend.  I cannot express my gratitude adequately.  I will forever be thankful for your courage and your dedication to our country.

P.P.S.  Remember to give this video a watch!  It could save you a whole heckuva lot of troubles down the line!

Click here to watch the Gym Sins Video

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Did you know? 1 out of 4 men will incur a hernia in their lifetime! Wow, that’s a lot! The number is even higher in those that lift weights.

There is one exercise that causes hernias more than any other. Can you guess what it is? Here’s a hint: it’s NOT the deadlift. In fact, it’s not even an exercise that requires you to lift very heavy weight on.

I think this video is going to be a real eye opener for a lot of guys. In fact, even if you’re a woman reading this you will likely be able to help out someone you know by sharing this with them!


P.S.  I’m speaking from experience on this one. Not to mention, the number of people that I’ve treated as a result of imbalances that come from this type of hernia is too high to count.  Here it is and how to fix it…

Click here to see which exercise is the main culprit for hernias

P.P.S.  If you are looking to build ripped athletic muscle without compromising the health of your muscles and joints along the way, that is where I specialize.  As a trainer for pro athletes I need to maximize gains and minimize pains.  I can do the same for you…

Max out your gains without the pains with this program

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

So Summer is just around the corner and you want your sharpest six pack yet, huh? Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered. Actually in just one video!

This is going to show you the best way to hit not just the abs but all of the key muscles of the core!

Here’s your cheat sheet to:
– Lower Abs
– Obliques
– Upper Abs
– Serratus
– Transverse Abdominus

I think you’re going to find this one to be very, very helpful. Most likely a few eye openers as well! I hope you enjoy it.


P.S.  The science of getting a six pack has nothing to do with shortcuts, cheesy slogans or fad diets.  It’s about actually understanding how muscles work and  training them accordingly.  It’s simple.  It works.  Every time.  Let me prove it to you…

Train like an athlete with me for the next 90 days here
See your best results ever by putting the science back in your training!

P.P.S.  If you find this video to be informative and helpful please do me a favor and share it with someone else you think could benefit.  It lets me know I’m giving you guys the info that  you’re looking for.

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

There’s an epidemic going on right now in fitness and it’s ruining your:

Muscle Growth
Power Output

But, you can fix it with this one thing and it doesn’t take long at all. Actually, just a few seconds! It’s so freaking important that I’m literally forcing you to have to do this (as best I can!)

Nothing left to say, except start doing this. Your muscles and body will be thanking me in no time!


P.S.  The way you did your last workout is actually one of the biggest reasons you need this.  It’s non-negotiable as far as I’m concerned.

P.P.S.  If you want to be sure you’re overlooking NOTHING in your training, then I’d be happy to take on that responsibility and help you through every workout.  I’m confident I can change the way you not only look…but feel!

Let’s train together for the next 90 days.  Click to get started here