Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Among all the aches and pains that can arise from working out… THIS ONE IS THE MOST COMMON!

Different from many however… Bad form isn’t really the cause. In fact, you could be doing everything right on the exercise and still have this sneak up on you.

I’m going to show you today that there actually is a very definitive cause! And it’s one you may totally overlook. Until today…

Time to fix this training mistake once and for all!


P.S.  Happy 4th of July to all of those celebrating today.  This video is an important one (since it affects so many), so if you  can, please share it with someone at the picnic!  You could be saving them a lot of unnecessary pain…

The Most Common Gym Injury and How to Prevent It

P.P.S.  As you’ll see in this video, there are no unimportant muscles in the body.  We wouldn’t have them if they weren’t needed.  I take the same approach with my step by step workouts and meal plans.  I’d love for you to see how much  better you could look by taking a scientific approach to your training…

Let me put the science back in your workouts and nutrition here

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

If you want to be fit and look your best, then you can NEVER have “cheat meals” again! Here’s why…

I’m dishing up a harsh but much needed truth in this video. I promise you, however, the truth will set you free!

I think this one is going to hit home for a lot of you watching. And it’s going to be very very helpful. I promise!


P.S.  I’m breaking out my once-a-year carrot cake in this video (for my birthday) and getting after it. Ummm, maybe a little too much!  You’ll see.

Click here to witness me eating carrot cake, lol

P.P.S.  If you’re looking for a program that gives you a meal plan that never leaves you feeling deprived and will get you ripped abs and a muscular athletic physique then I’ve got you covered…

Eat like an athlete and look like an athlete step by step here

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

I don’t care how much you can deadlift or how long you’ve been doing the lift… It can be stronger than it is right now. How??

By adding these 3 exercises to your routine!

I’m wrapping up my “monster” lifts series with badass K.C. Mitchell. Today, we’re covering the lift with the highest capacity for strength (and the one most of us don’t realize how strong we really are on it!)

The feedback on the bench press and squat videos K.C. and I did has been phenomenal. Lots of people saying how much they have already helped in just weeks. This is no different. Bigger gains on deads is in your near future!



P.S.  One of the biggest issues with the “Big 3” is that we compensate the hell out of them in an effort to increase our totals.  Stop doing that.  Take a step back, build from the ground up and do what I’m showing you here and you’ll not only have a bigger lift at the end, but no injuries from attempting them.

Click here to increase your deadlift guaranteed

P.P.S.  If you want a program that incorporates the big lifts and helps you to build strength and size (without the compensations) you definitely want to checkout my AX BREAKOUT program here…

Build the big lifts while building rock solid muscle from head to toe here

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Nothing captures attention more than a pair of shoulders that look like you’re smuggling cannonballs in them! We call them “BOULDER SHOULDERS”

Today… I’m going to show you how to build your own pair (warmup and workout) with guess what? Just a single plate!  Yes it’s true.

Here’s the thing… This is not for the faint of heart.  It’s tough but I have a feeling you are going to love the hurt when you see what it does to your delts!

No excuses for not being able to do this one. Even if you don’t work out at a gym, all you need is a single weight plate. Don’t have one? Surely a friend of yours can loan you one! Give this a try.  I promise it works really well!


P.S.  Lifting heavy is NOT the only way to build muscle. In fact, it’s one of 3 ways.  Train witfh all 3 methods in one smooth, seamless progression for the next 12 weeks with the AX BREAKOUT program here…

Break through any plateau and unleash all new gains here

P.P.S.  If you wind up trying this routine and love the way it feels in your delts, do me a favor and share it with someone else you know would love to try it.  It’s greatly appreciated!

How to Build “Boulder Shoulders” (Warmup and Workout)

Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

I don’t care if you are a rank beginner just starting out, or an elite athlete… You likely do the bench press. But do you ever do any other lifts to help increase your strength on the bench press? If not, you’re making a big mistake.

All too often… In an effort to increase our bench press numbers, we focus on benching only. Maybe you’ve even been advised to do that (bad advice!) Do this and you’ll be shocked at how fast you start adding weight to the bar again.

Ordinary gym bros will tell you the bench is all you have to worry about. Smart coaches know there is much more.

I’ll show you what the smart coaches and lifters are doing (even more than their bench pressing) to dramatically increase their strength! I think you’ll find this very helpful…


P.S.  There are no unimportant muscles.  When you want to develop your body the fastest way possible, you need to learn how to get them to work together the way they want to…in every workout.  I’ve done that for you already here…

Get my step by step ATHLEAN-X program (with meal plan)

P.P.S.  If you find this video helpful, please do me a favor and share it with someone else who’s been looking to get stronger on the bench press.  This will help them.

How to increase your bench press with 3 “non-bench” lifts