Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes

Let me ask you a question. When you train your abs… how many reps do you usually do? Be honest. 200? 400? 1,000?!?

Maybe you don’t bother counting reps and instead just do it for time. In that case, maybe you’d say 10,20 or even 30 minutes.

OR…Maybe you don’t work them at all, and in that case YOU NEED TO BE!

hardwood ab exercisesWell, if you’ve been following ATHLEAN-X for any length of time you’d know that if your answer was any greater than 150 reps or 5-8 minutes…you’re most likely NOT training your abs correctly and therefore NOT getting the results you want in the “6 Pack” department

INSTEAD…You can be getting results with nothing more than a 6 minute routine that requires ZERO equipment and only 120 REPS! THIS is what ATHLEAN AB Training is all about

NEW AB SIZZLER! Can You Do All 120 Reps Without Rest?!? As you might expect, this is no “typical” ab workout! A typical workout might include PLANKS, but in this ATHLEAN X-CLUSIVE I give you




– and more…..

In just 120 Reps and in 6 minutes or less!!

Look…like with everything else in the ATHLEAN-X TRAINING SYSTEM, I give you only the stuff that works and works quickly! Not only is doing too much not productive but it’s actually majorly UNPRODUCTIVE and likely to be holding you back more than you can imagine.

*******KEY POINT*******

Overtraining is overtraining, regardess of how much you may think a workout is working for you, and it will cost you hard earned muscle faster than you can say “6 to 7 Days a Week Training!”

Start focusing on doing the bare minimum to get the job done (like you will with the laser focused workouts and nutrition tactics in the ATHLEAN-X System) and you’ll be amazed at how much more quickly you start looking better and getting stronger.

Remember, I always say…you can workout HARD or you can workout LONG, but you can’t do both! With ATHLEAN-X you’ll train HARD no doubt, but I promise I’ll get you out of the gym quickly and you’re results will come faster than ever. Is that a fair trade?

So with that said, it’s time to STOP counting high and instead START counting down…If you start A-X today you’ll be only 89 days away from your new ATHLEAN body tomorrow! Start Building All New Muscle TODAY with ATHLEAN-X

Enjoy the rest of your week!



PS. Even if you don’t make it through ALL 120 Reps without resting…this is STILL going to leave you with the classic ab burn that the ATHLEAN-X System has become famous for (or maybe that’s infamous!)

PPS. If you’re tired of workouts that seem to drag on and NOT deliver the results you thought they would, then I strongly suggest you switch it up! I’d love to be hearing about your suXXess story just 90 days from now!