Hey Ladies! We all know that gymnasts have strong lean bodies! How can we emulate that? By doing simple bodyweight moves that they would do to build up strength! TRY A FEW HERE!!
Hey Ladies! We all know that gymnasts have strong lean bodies! How can we emulate that? By doing simple bodyweight moves that they would do to build up strength! TRY A FEW HERE!!
Hey Ladies – Today we’ve got something unique and fun for you to try! It’s a SLIDERS workout. Don’t have sliders? Try a couple washclothes on a slick floor… Or some paper plates on the carpet! LET’S GO!! BODYWEIGHT SLIDER ROUTINE!!
Hey Ladies – We’ve been getting requests for a pre-workout warm up routine… And the best warm ups get your heart pumping and warm up the muscles! Avoid injury and prepare your body to work even harder with THIS! TOTAL BODY WARM UP ROUTINE!!
Hey Ladies – Shoulders, legs, arms and abs! This workout works everying… LITERALLY! Missed a couple workouts and need to get caught up? Then here’s your routine! TOTAL BODY CONDITIONING!!
Hey Ladies – When it comes to fat loss, much of the info out there is just PLAIN WRONG! Most women make these mistakes because it’s what they’ve been told all along! So today we’ll set the record straight! 4 WORST FAT LOSS MISTAKES