The Ultimate Arms program represents my life's journey of overcoming having toothpicks for arms to now where they are possibly my most muscular feature. I want to make sure that I shorten that journey for you so that you don't have to spend years figuring it out like I had to. If you have any questions about the Ultimate Arms program, you will likely find it here!
If you’ve been following me for any time, you know that Stallone was my go-to idol…the guy that unknowingly sparked my interest in fitness (and many others I’m sure). Simply put, I wanted to look like him. The only problem was at 10 years old with arms comparable to the #2 pencils I was writing with in grade school, my time might have to wait a bit!
WHY are you jumping from one program to another? In my mind it's pretty simple; your current option is either NOT meeting an expectation you had for it, or it's making an aspect of following it for the long term very difficult. In both cases, I don't blame you for stopping it. So let's take a look together and figure out how to stop the "program surfing"...
Is President Obama following ATHLEAN-X?? When you see his 3-4 day per week strength training routine mixed in with 2 "conditioning" days you can't help but wonder. As well as in his Men's Health magazine interview about his workouts he refers to his "conditioning" days as just that; "conditioning", and NOT cardio and the eyebrow goes up even more!