The whole concept of cheat days is just fundamentally flawed as it is. You're working hard, eating right, training consistently and working towards getting closer to living the healthy lifestyle you know you deserve and the mindset is that your "reward" for being on your best behavior is to get to f&*k it all up with a day of bad eating?!?
Back for another installment of "Fitness Myth Busters" to demystify perhaps the longest running misinformation in the world of health and fitness. The real problem with these urban myths is that they tend to be so deeply rooted that changing the mindset of those who have followed this bad advice for years and years, is no easy task to overcome...
In an effort to help you cut through the B.S. to get to the actual information you can sink your teeth into, apply and put to good use, I figured it would be best for me to set up my own little Fitness Myth Buster series....with the first target being the idea that in order to lose weight you must eat less. It seems pretty logical right?
Well, when it comes to abs there are no shortcuts. Or are there? What if I told you that with one little 4 minute routine you could steadily chip away at the body fat that is covering your six pack right now, until just weeks from now, you'd be seeing an entirely new you staring back at you in the mirror; a beach ready, ab certified version of you?
If I told you there are 4 sure-fire ways to incinerate the body fat without having to wait years, months or even weeks to see the difference, would you be interested? Of course, or you wouldn't be reading this article. So that said, let me show you my 4 quickest and surest solutions to maximizing fat loss through exercise...
New York Mets All-Star 3rd baseman and TEAM ATHLEAN member, David Wright, has had an incredibly fast start to the season. HOWEVER, it might not be thanks to ATHLEAN-X like I thought it was. It appears that David has swapped out his ATHLEAN-X training for something called "Situational" Training and it's responsible for his power resurgence...