If you aren't a fan of pro wrestling or checking MMA news releases, the man with the towering traps called it quits from his stint in mixed martial arts and is back in the WWE. But if you're reading this you likely care less about his use of them (in the ring/octagon) and more about he's managed to develop those muscles to the freakish degree they are.
Over the next week I'm going to cover what I feel have become either misconceptions or untruths, ingredients that may or may not be worth the hype , why navigating through a supplement store these days WILL make your head spin, and finally a BIG announcement when we countdown to number 1 that I'm sure will make gains easier than ever before!
One of the most common (and debilitating...as I can certainly vouch for!) sources of pain for an athlete or active gym goer is anterior knee pain, or in laymen's terms: pain at the front of the knee. If you don't have it (yet), believe me, it's not something you want to experience. If you've got it, you certainly know what I'm talking about but don't worry...there's hope!
One of the most commonly cited excuses given for not working out is: "I just don't have the time". It seems we all find ourselves these days juggling career, family, health and hobby and it's an understandable complaint, BUT, not good enough! New research was released that states the average person watches 35 HOURS of television a week...
In the gym and with your workouts, this change comes in the form of pushing your muscles to momentary failure at every opportunity. I was told long ago that the ONLY reason we perform the first say 8-10 reps of a set is to physiologically "prime" the muscles for the ONLY reps that really matter for growth; those incredibly difficult last 2-3!!
The whole concept of cheat days is just fundamentally flawed as it is. You're working hard, eating right, training consistently and working towards getting closer to living the healthy lifestyle you know you deserve and the mindset is that your "reward" for being on your best behavior is to get to f&*k it all up with a day of bad eating?!?