Do you have a forward head or slumped posture that you wish you could fix? If so, you will definitely want to watch this video. I’m going to show you how to fix a forward head and rounded shoulders the right way by focusing on what is really
The word “great” is often thrown around loosely whenever someone wants to say that they kind of “like something a lot”…. I try not to do that. “Great” in my mind means “better than the rest”! Well…that said, I just did a video on what I believe is “greatest” bodyweight tricep exercise that you can do!
I’ve talked with you before about what I feel the difference is between EFFECTIVE exercises when it comes to ab training… And what is really nothing more than a series of crunches gone bad! Well…Not only is there a RIGHT WAY to train your abs, but there’s also an incredible way to END YOUR AB WORKOUT!!
I put together a BRAND NEW video for you featuring what I believe is a “MUST DO” core exercise! Watch the Video TO SEE THE NEW CORE KILLER! This is one of those “all-in-one” ab exercises that AthLEAN-X is known for that has the ability to deliver results faster than any core exercise you currently do because it integrates so many muscles into one exercise that you CAN DO ANYWHERE!
Quick….If I asked you right now to tell me the fastest way to build 100% lean muscle, what would you say? You better answer FAST! Actually… that IS the answer… ACTIVATE YOUR FAST TWITCH MUSCLE FIBERS! But how do you do that? Probably not the way you may think! My X-plosive New Video Shows You How
It IS DEFINITELY NOT about “bunches of crunches”. Nope, it’s possible to develop a serious six pack without ever leaving your feet… and I’m going to show you how. SEE HOW TO SCULPT A SIX PACK FROM THE GROUND UP