Do you have a forward head or slumped posture that you wish you could fix? If so, you will definitely want to watch this video. I’m going to show you how to fix a forward head and rounded shoulders the right way by focusing on what is really
You get to the gym…ready for today’s workout and the first thing you do is what? 1. Your special 10 minute yoga stretching routine? 2. Jump right into max sets of power cleans? 3. Hop on the treadmill for 20 minutes of walking? 4. Hit the shake bar because it’s the social thing to do??? WATCH THE VIDEO TO SEE WHAT I’D RECOMMEND!
You’ve probably read at some point that the triceps muscle makes up 2/3 of the arms size. And that’s pretty accurate. BUT….. that means nothing if you’re not training them the RIGHT WAY! SEE THE #1 TRICEP TRAINING MISTAKE…AND HOW YOU CAN AVOID IT!
Black Friday!! If you’re like me you chose to shop safely at home in front of your computer instead of risking your life with the stampeding shoppers that storm the stores the day after Thanksgiving. THAT SAID….. After seeing what I’ve got in store for you in my BRAND NEW AthLEAN Burst conditioning workout…you may have been safer among the shopping madness!! ==> Introducing the BLACK FRIDAY WORKOUT!
Of all the muscle groups in the body, perhaps the one that leaves guys most frustrated by their inability to balance it out is….the chest! Either the middle chest just blends together with no ripped defined line down the center…OR…The outer chest shows no width and looks too soft OR…The lower chest is simply nonexistent! BUT…..Those problems pale in comparison to the number of times that I get asked about how to train the almost …
Yep…you read it right! An ab exercise that builds your upper body at the same time. The thing is, I wish this wasn’t such a strange concept. You see….I think the major flaw with most training programs these days is that they try to make muscles that are meant to work together…work alone.