Uh oh! With Summer just a few weeks away now, I have to ask you… You didn’t wait til last minute to get in shape again did you? Don’t worry. Here’s what you need to do (Summer Workout Plan) I’ve got a 4 step plan for you to get you on track…fast. That said… The last step is probably the one you need to hear the most! Summer Workout Plan (PERFECT FOR PROCRASTINATORS!)
You know the old saying… When the going gets tough, The tough get going? Well… They better get planning too. My “Go-To” Meal Plan Strategy (FAST & GOOD!)
It seems easy enough. If you’re trying to get ripped six pack abs, all you have to do is cut calories. Right? WRONG! It’s not that simple. Let me explain… How NOT to Get a Six Pack (DIET MISTAKE!)
With all the information readily available online these days regarding diets and eating plans… It’s no wonder that some of it is bad. REAL BAD! In fact… Here are 4 of the most popular “diet tips” you should never ever ever listen to! Want to hear one of them right now? OK…here you go. Never eat after 6PM if you want to get ripped! That is soooo wrong. Let me tell you why
Last week I showed you an easy 5 phase plan for getting your nutrition locked in. Regardless of how bad it may be right now. Today… I show you HOW to eat for abs year round. In fact… What I show you in this behind the scenes video isn’t just what I do every day (and week!) BUT It’s why I am able to have visible abs 365 days a year. And so can you. …
Can you smell what the rock is cooking? I can tell you this… If so, you’ve got a lot to smell. He eats a lot of food. Let’s break it all down here Having just run into the Rock in the locker room corridors at Levi Stadium for Wrestlemania 31…I can tell you this. He’s nowhere near as big as he looks. HE’S BIGGER! See how the rock eats meal by meal here…