Do you have a forward head or slumped posture that you wish you could fix? If so, you will definitely want to watch this video. I’m going to show you how to fix a forward head and rounded shoulders the right way by focusing on what is really
You probably know already how important it is that you LIFT weights. BUT... Did you know how important it was to focus on HOW you lift them? Don't worry. I'll tell you exactly what's best!
With January already a week down... Are you closer now than you were a week ago to your healthiest body ever in 2019? To get there you're going to need a strong core and I've got you covered...
It's January, it's a New Year, it's time to lose some weight. BUT... You DO NOT want to do what I'm showing you here. The gyms will be packed with people doing exactly what I show you here. AND...
What better way for me to wrap up 2018 than by giving you an inside glimpse of me that I've rarely shown! So what are you going to see? Well... Family, Training, Athletes, Jesse, Dogs, and More!
The lower back is one of the most vulnerable areas of our body. AND TO MAKE THINGS WORSE... We don't do the right exercises for it. So it gets weak! Unless... You do exactly what I'm showing you here.