Uh oh! With Summer just a few weeks away now, I have to ask you… You didn’t wait til last minute to get in shape again did you? Don’t worry. Here’s what you need to do (Summer Workout Plan) I’ve got a 4 step plan for you to get you on track…fast. That said… The last step is probably the one you need to hear the most! Summer Workout Plan (PERFECT FOR PROCRASTINATORS!)
Every industry has its own set of buzz words. Fitness is no different. The problem comes when… They’re used incorrectly. Check out the 6 Most Misused Fitness Buzz Words Here Gyms, youtube videos, and forums are filled with these 6 words. Are you using them right? Can you guess these 6 buzz words? Check your answers with this video
Either out of necessity or preference… Lots of people like to workout at home! I personally love to. However, if you’re one of them… You better make sure you’re doing these 5 things! Even if you just work out at home occasionally… You are going to want to be sure you get each one of these things right every time! 5 Best Home Workout Tips (Get These Right!)
There are over 40 muscles in the human leg… But if I had to pick one that desperately needs your extra attention, it’s this one! The muscle I’m talking about is usually the tightest in the lower body. And The one with the biggest ability to negatively impact all of your big lifts like squats, deadlifts and even ab work! The most important muscle in your leg… and why you need to stretch it! Click …
Arnold called it…”The most satisfying feeling you can get in the gym” BUT Is the “pump” necessary to build muscle? It depends. Check out this in depth video. Everything you need to know about ‘The Pump’
As someone that has dealt with some pretty sharp knee pain when lunging…I not only can tell you WHY this may be happening to you too BUT More importantly…How to fix it! Check out this quick video solution Two of the most irreplaceable movement patterns when training legs are…The squat & the lunge. You just can’t afford to get rid of either one. But what if you get pain? The Lunging Knee Pain Fix (simple and fast!)