Uh oh! With Summer just a few weeks away now, I have to ask you… You didn’t wait til last minute to get in shape again did you? Don’t worry. Here’s what you need to do (Summer Workout Plan) I’ve got a 4 step plan for you to get you on track…fast. That said… The last step is probably the one you need to hear the most! Summer Workout Plan (PERFECT FOR PROCRASTINATORS!)
This one just came across my desk and I had to make a video on it. THE ULTIMATE FITNESS TEST Apparently… If you can do even 1 rep of this movement, you’ll live a longer, healthier life. Huh? See the move and test yourself
There isn’t a day that goes by that I or my team here at A-X don’t get asked… “How heavy should I be lifting to get big?” Aaahh… That’s the “big” question. Literally. Hear the big answer here (it may surprise you!) In this video I not only tell you the answer to this question… BUT One big reason why some exercises may be way easier than others for you to “lift big” on! The …
If there’s one exercise that can frustrate even the most experienced trainees it is… PULLUPS! Why? Because it can humble you regardless of your strength in so many ways. That’s why I say… I’ve got 99 pullup problems…and “too easy” aint’ one! See how to fix one of the most common problems here The pull up is no doubt one of the best upper body exercises you can do. But why is it that… Some …
Want to know what the craziest thing about muscle cramps? Usually… Their cause is exactly opposite how they feel! See what I mean here (NEW AX JEFF video!) No doubt… A cramp in your muscle can “feel” really tight. BUT Are they actually tight…or something else? Find out what really could be causing your cramps
Just a little over 2 weeks ago… I hit a milestone by registering my 1,000,000th subscriber on YouTube. As a loyal reader of my posts and hopefully one of the million… I thank YOU! Hear my message to you here Like anyone else…