Do you have a forward head or slumped posture that you wish you could fix? If so, you will definitely want to watch this video. I’m going to show you how to fix a forward head and rounded shoulders the right way by focusing on what is really
Today's video is very important and it's not JUST for beginners! Why? Because even the most seasoned of lifters will still make some of the mistakes shown here... That's right. Even I'll catch myself doing some of the things I'm showing you in this video...
The squat is one of the most foundational strength movements you can do. So... It's incredibly important that you do it right! This is not right. This will hurt you. As a physical therapist and strength coach I can tell you that the cause of this can be varied...
Have you ever said any of the following: “I wish I had more defined lower pecs”“I wish my upper chest was fuller”“I wish I had better separation in my middle chest”“I wish my outer chest was more chiseled” If so, then you absolutely need...
If your shoulders ever feel “stiff” when you try and lift them over your head; you have to try this… This works every single time! The reason your shoulders aren’t moving well when you reach up overhead actually is likely not even due to your shoulders...
If you’ve always wished your arms could fill your shirt sleeves a bit more… This is the video you’ve been waiting for! Jesse, our resident hardgainer has been making some serious arm gains of late but STILL has an issue with the size of them when...