Do you have a forward head or slumped posture that you wish you could fix? If so, you will definitely want to watch this video. I’m going to show you how to fix a forward head and rounded shoulders the right way by focusing on what is really
What was I thinking?!? You wanted more killer AthLEAN-X Burst Conditioning workouts and I put together another one for you….Except this time, I may have reached the limit of my physical abilities!! Come watch what made me want to tap out!
Even though I’m a physical therapist and spent many a day in college learning about how the body works….One thing that annoys me more than anything is when people try to “TALK ABOVE” their audience. Have you ever had to sit through something like that?!? It seems like they’re out to prove how smart THEY are as opposed to showing how the essence of what they’re talking about can help YOU! That said….nothing technical in …
You may have seen my “X-Man Crunch” ab exercise and you may have even mastered it on your way to showing a six pack this Summer. But….. If you know one thing about me guys, I don’t want you to be just good. I want you to be better than good. That said…the “X-Man Crunch” just got that much harder!
You guys already know how I feel about leg extensions…quite possibly the WORST exercise you can do for your knees! Well, when it comes to being ineffective AND dangerous there’s one other exercise that could give the leg extension a run for it’s money….THE HAMSTRING CURL! SEE WHY YOU NEED TO STOP DOING THIS EXERCISE
Everyone I come across inevitably asks me one of these two questions…”How Can I Get a Bigger Chest?” or “How Can I Increase My Bench Press?” How about if I told you I could answer those two questions with ONE ANSWER?!?