Do you have a forward head or slumped posture that you wish you could fix? If so, you will definitely want to watch this video. I’m going to show you how to fix a forward head and rounded shoulders the right way by focusing on what is really
This arm workout that will make even the most stubborn hard-gainers muscles submit and grow! See how you can pair up two classic exercises in a “very unique” way to crank up your results to the neXt Level. Again, so appreciative of all you guys who make the AthLEAN-X what it is!
Of all the questions that come in on a daily basis, by far the one that seems to be asked of me EVERY DAY is……”What the heck do you do to get those peaks on your biceps?!?” If you’re thinking that my answer is GENETICS you would be WRONG! Don’t let anyone tell you that getting bigger, taller and more defined biceps is not in your future. In fact…you’re 3 minutes away (that’s how long …
Why does it seem like every Hollywood actor can just add 10,20, or even 30 pounds of muscle at will…While, the majority of us would be thrilled to be able to put on just a fraction of that?!? The answer is in HOW they train. Matt Damon showed off his ripped physique as he plays a rugby player in “INVICTUS”. Well, I’m here to tell you…you DON’T have to be a rugby player OR a …
OK…I gotta admit. I’m NOT a fan of the “Twilight” movies. Yes, I’m the one! Seems like everyone loves these movies. The box office receipts have almost 200 Million ways to prove that! But that said, I will say I admire the work its young star put in to get in such great shape so much that yes…he’s even got me writing about him (not to mention Men’s Health Magazine!)