Do you have a forward head or slumped posture that you wish you could fix? If so, you will definitely want to watch this video. I’m going to show you how to fix a forward head and rounded shoulders the right way by focusing on what is really
You know THAT guy. He’s often the one that likes to walk around and tell everyone else what they’re doing wrong…and how to do it “right” But often, he doesn’t tell you that what he’s doing to get so big has NOTHING to do with his form and everything to do with the sharp things he keeps in his gym bag!! ==> Have you Heard THIS Advice Before?
The AthLEAN-X Training System gives you the chance to workout like a pro athlete. For the first time ever, trainer to the stars and former major league baseball physical therapist Jeff Cavaliere shows you how to train like a pro athlete and get the body of the pros! The AthLEAN-X Training System is a 90 day step by step program that gives you both the workouts and the meal plans that today’s top athletes use …
When it comes to burning fat, you can either do hours of traditional “cardio” (treadmill, elliptical, biking, etc)…AND burn up your hard earned muscle in the process! OR…You can do what I call “ATHLEAN BURST” Conditioning and not only chisel out muscle definition…but actually BUILD muscle at the same time!
By far, one of the absolute best exercises you can do to build your chest (particularly the lower area right above the abs) is…THE DIP! This bodyweight exercise is considered by some to be even better than the pushup for developing a more rounded impressive chest.
One thing you can always count on from me is that I will shoot straight with you and tell you when I think something works, when it won’t, when it will be a waste of money and MOST OF ALL….When it could be dangerous!! Well, now is one of those times. Avoid This 1 Pre-Workout Ingredient ===> Watch the video to find out which