Do you have a forward head or slumped posture that you wish you could fix? If so, you will definitely want to watch this video. I’m going to show you how to fix a forward head and rounded shoulders the right way by focusing on what is really
I’m not sure if it’s the warm weather that’s starting to set in But the focus from my readers has shifted to the chest, and more specifically….HOW TO TARGET THE UPPER CHEST! Upper chest training remains a problem for most, with the fibers a little harder to get at than in lower areas of the muscle. UNTIL NOW!
Even someone with just a casual interest in fitness will get on the floor and at least TRY an ab exercise. The reason? Because they’re usually able to be done anywhere and…in the back of their heads most guys have a deep desire to have a solid six pack that demands attention. There’s only 1 problem…and it’s a BIG ONE! MOST ab exercises simply don’t work that well.
If you haven’t heard the news… it seems the US Army Fitness Test is undergoing an AthLEAN-X Makeover! Read more about it here. Gone are the basic crunches and two mile runs and in their place are things like 180lb sled dragging, obstacle courses in full gear, and hurdle jumping while holding a rifle! But none compare to the intensity of the new balance/core/and leg exercise they included….
Probably the most interesting question I get almost every day is….”Jeff, if you PERSONALLY could take just one supplement…what would it be and why?” While it may seem that the options are many when you consider the proven benefits of creatine, glutamine, high quality whey protein, BCAA’s, etc….To me they all place behind…ONE…watch the video to find out!
The word “great” is often thrown around loosely whenever someone wants to say that they kind of “like something a lot”…. I try not to do that. “Great” in my mind means “better than the rest”! Well…that said, I just did a video on what I believe is “greatest” bodyweight tricep exercise that you can do!