Do you have a forward head or slumped posture that you wish you could fix? If so, you will definitely want to watch this video. I’m going to show you how to fix a forward head and rounded shoulders the right way by focusing on what is really
As you know…when it comes to burning fat AND preserving hard earned muscle at the same time, you can ONLY be doing 1 kind of cardio! That’s something I call… “AthLEAN Burst Training“ Most people use alternatives that pale in comparison to the benefits that “Burst” training can provide in 1/3 the time!
As you know…one of the things I do the most is I listen to you guys and try to give you what you want to see! After all…YOU are the reason I started this company in the first place and you are the reason it is quickly becoming the premier fitness company in the world. That said…..One thing you said you’d like to see more of is BODYWEIGHT exercises you can do ANYWHERE that still …
Feats of strength are usually more than just things you can do at a party or in front of your buddies to impress them…They’re actually some of the greatest muscle building exercises you can do period! Why? Because they’re harder than hard and require almost every muscle fiber in your body to be able to pull it off.
September means two things to me…the beginning of the Fall Season here in the northeast US (which I love!) AND…The annual fantasy football draft that I do with my former teammates and friends from the Mets. Anyway, this year’s draft took place in Chicago over the weekend. It immediately brought me back to my days of not only traveling every 10 days or so with the team….But also having to try and get my workouts …
I won’t argue with you…most guys (and even magazines!) focus on the muscles you can readily see in the mirror! And with good reason. You’re forced to see them staring back at you every day so you figure you might as well do something about them! BUT….Nothing says “STRENGTH” more than a thick, wide back…and if you stick to the “out of sight out of mind” mentality you’ll never build yours like you should. So …