Uh oh! With Summer just a few weeks away now, I have to ask you… You didn’t wait til last minute to get in shape again did you? Don’t worry. Here’s what you need to do (Summer Workout Plan) I’ve got a 4 step plan for you to get you on track…fast. That said… The last step is probably the one you need to hear the most! Summer Workout Plan (PERFECT FOR PROCRASTINATORS!)
First there was Watergate. Now there’s “Quad-Gate”!! You’ll want to see this if you were confused… Ok, all jokes aside…This is a VERY important video. I’ll explain to you the KEY differences between how to stretch…and NOT stretch for a workout or game! Get your pre-workout stretching right here!
See the answer to both in this new video. The pain could be on either the inside or outside of the elbow. Either way…It can severely limit the amount of weight you can lift. AND therefore the gains you should see from your workouts. Fix SORE Elbows From Lifting (Exercise Tweaks!)
No there wasn’t a typo in the title of this email. I said LIGHT! But wait…you’re thinking…”Didn’t you just tell us last week that we needed to lift heavy?” Yes. But see why that’s not enough if you want to truly develop a muscular athletic physique! For instance…Did you know that training with light weights can actually be very anabolic? See how in this new video
To lift heavy or not to lift heavy…That is the question. Actually, no it isn’t! You NEED to be lifting heavy if you want to see the best results… Here’s 5 Reasons Why (Important!) Lots of guys steer clear of heavy lifting all together…OR Just don’t do it right! Is it 3 reps, 5 reps, 8 reps?!? Find out exactly what it is and how to do it safely!
I have a saying I use with my athletes…It goes like this. “If you workout too much with pulleys…You’re not as strong as you think you are!” Think of all the exercises you might be doing that use them. Lat Pulldowns Tricep Pushdowns Cable Rows Cable Crossovers Cable Curls Etc…