Uh oh! With Summer just a few weeks away now, I have to ask you… You didn’t wait til last minute to get in shape again did you? Don’t worry. Here’s what you need to do (Summer Workout Plan) I’ve got a 4 step plan for you to get you on track…fast. That said… The last step is probably the one you need to hear the most! Summer Workout Plan (PERFECT FOR PROCRASTINATORS!)
Normally, me being in the kitchen is a BAD idea! I can screw up ready-made-pancakes for crying out loud (another great reason why the X-Factor Meal Plan that comes with ATHLEAN-X works so well…it’s EASY to follow!) BUT…When it comes to protein shakes I’m the freaking Gordon Ramsey of the blender! AND THIS.. could be the BEST TASTING Protein Shake Ever! See how to make it!!
“Calories in = Calories out” How many times have you heard this? Worse… Have you actually tried to do this to burn fat? Watch this video to see why I strongly believe this is the WORST thing YOU can do to Lose Fat! Don’t worry. If you believed this you wouldn’t be alone. After all… A calorie is a calorie right? WRONG!! See Why All Calories Are NOT Created Equal! (this should change the way …
Not since “Angelina Jolie” have two words sent guys into a craze like this method of eating has. But is it justified? What’s crazy is that this nutrition approach is anything BUT new, having been practiced and talked about for over 50 years now. But still…it’s the rage. And because I know how important fat loss is to many of my followers, it’s an issue worth taking an honest look at.
Let’s face it…no matter how hard you’re training or how dialed in you’ve been on your diet/nutrition, the thought of eating out at a chain restaurant that ISN’T called “Sprouts R Us” can be pretty damn terrifying. When your buddies or family plans a Friday or Saturday night dinner at Outback Steakhouse you’re probably thinking…”There goes my abs!”
There’s no debating the fact that your ability to build muscle is going to be heavily influenced by your nutrition. You truly ARE WHAT YOU EAT as the old saying goes! That said, more than anything the macronutrient most relied on for those of us who lift weights is… you guessed it…PROTEIN. The question is though….HOW MUCH PROTEIN DO YOU REALLY NEED TO BUILD MUSCLE?