You never really see a weak looking gymnast now do you? So… What is it about their training that causes this? I’ll show you right here How Gymnasts Build Huge Muscles! Is it… A) Time Under Tension B) Eccentric Loading C) Bodyweight Training D) Lack of Energy Leaks E) All of the Above F) None of the Above Find out in this new Bodyweight “Thursday” video! Build Muscle Like a Gymnast – Here’s How
Last week I showed you that shoulder discomfort doesn’t always have to mean the END of shoulder training for you! This week…I’m going to show you that your EXPLOSIVE Shoulder Training days are also long from over with ATHLEAN-X. One of the best parts about this exercise is that it’s not only biomechanically SAFE when done properly (which is a prerequisite), but it also incorporates much more than just shoulder strength!
STOP THE PRESSES! No…this is not a breaking media announcement, but actually what many people recommend you do when you have shoulder pain (especially during overhead pressing) when you lift. But SHOULD you? The knee jerk reaction to pain of any kind during lifting is to STOP lifting. HOWEVER…I think that could potentially be the absolute WORST thing you could be doing.
As you know by now if you’ve been following along with the videos I put up here at ATHLEAN-X…the eccentric (negative motion or lowering portion) of the exercise is considered the most important part of the lift. So important is it that many say the whole point of the concentric motion (the positive or lifting portion in most cases) is to set yourself up for the eccentric motion!
You’ve probably heard that age-old question… “If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it still make a noise?” Well, lifting weights has it’s own equivalent question and that is… “If moving your shoulder away from your body targets your side delts does moving your body away from your shoulder do the same?”
I see it all the time… How one slight adjustment in how you perform an exercise can make all the difference in the world towards the results you see! One of the biggest examples?? “THE TRAPS TRAP”